G-cube Focus- Aina

G-cube Focus- Aina
Our own Sleek Chic..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Uzy One.

He is a member of BBE, Final year Accounting and hopes to be Gwagz, Abuja, Nigeria and i can add Africa's next Big thing. well Uzy, though we haven't yet been fully convinced, we are watching and hoping.


  1. for me Uzy one is a good artist with good style. i just think he might need more focus so im guessing after his final exams we should expect the real thing.

  2. personally i think uzy is really good..we have so many wanna be artist in gwags but hes doing really good..kip it up!

  3. so becos he is an artist he must look like an art work drawn by a blind man abi?uzy which bush did u come out from l want to knw?


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