G-cube Focus- Aina

G-cube Focus- Aina
Our own Sleek Chic..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Miss Angela n boo...

Please o, GGG would like to focus on these two for a few seconds. Are you still together, is it over because Angela has been posting strange comments on facebook and GGG would just like to ask before prying. Fill me in ok...cuz' indeed nothing stays hidden.


  1. come to think of it, i also want to know because i don like the girl tey tey.

  2. as a sister to angela...yes they are still together!!!that's d hottest couple ever!;)

  3. please o people, im not wishing them bad o. i just said i was also interested in hearing the answer to that.

  4. tosin comot eye 4 anoda man tin,abi na leftovas u dey chop?go fin ur sef d 1 whey beta pas dis 1 bcos dey yapa 4 gwagz oooo.local ratttttttttttttttt

  5. r they really hot afterall??


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