G-cube Focus- Aina

G-cube Focus- Aina
Our own Sleek Chic..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Clearly this guy has known the Spotlight for a while now. Prom king in his high school grad year and also with 3 more awards, He was recently named Gwagz "popaholic" of the year by the Gm7 crew. Keep doing your thing dude.
What's the update on ur BBE recruitment? we gathered it was put on hold by who and now we hear it's official again. please do fill us in..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Offilo- Dynamix???

It's as good as confirmed that Offilo (former friend of Dynamix), has finally been selected to fill in the gap or one of the gaps left by the Dynamix Dropouts. well i guess it's finally time. Alot of people wondered why he wasn't selected in the first place. well GGG hopes he is capable of doing the thaing required and also wishes him the best. Congratz!!!